Windows import

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Once OpenZFSonWindows matures, automatic pool import on boot will be part of the system setup.

But for now, you will have to import pools by hand after each boot.


Wowfunhappy commented 9 hours ago • 
For what it's worth, I'm currently using task scheduler to import my pool on startup.

Open Task Scheduler → Action → Create Task:
• General:
	• Name: Mount [pool name]
	• Run with highest privileges: Enabled
• Triggers → New → Begin the task: At log on
• Actions → New
	• Action: Start a program
	• Program/script: zpool
	• Add arguments: import [any additional options you want] [pool name]

As an option especially for backup pools on USB (poolname usb) Create a file import_usb.bat on desktop with content

zpool import -f usb
zpool list
timeout /t 5

Create a file export_usb.bat on desktop

zpool export -f usb
zpool list
timeout /t 5

Create a file pool_status.bat on desktop

zpool list
timeout /t 5

Start the scripts with a mouse right click -> as admin

Important for removeable pools on USB:

Always export prior disconnect or pool is in suspended mode:

This can only be fixed by a reboot/reset.