OpenZFS-2.0-arm64 (M1) first impressions

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OpenZFS-2.0-arm64 (M1) first impressions

Postby FadingIntoBlue » Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:57 pm

Great to see a test pkg for the m1 ready to go when I woke up this morning! So first impressions:

Install went well, on my m1 Air 8GB, approved the kernel extension as required. Reinstalling over the top caused a crash as expected. Followed the kernel tidy up instructions as given, then reauthorised the extension by manual loading it and everything went as expected.
Had to update my PATH, to include /usr/local/zfs/bin
Created new pool without difficulty
Created both normal and encrypted filesystems on the new pool
Copied 4GB to the encrypted filesystem without difficulty.

Further tinkering to come, as time permits

Many thanks for all your hard work to get us to this stage. Absolutely wonderful!
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Re: OpenZFS-2.0-arm64 (M1) first impressions

Postby FadingIntoBlue » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:29 pm

Things are pretty interesting on the Mac side, at least in the Finder:

Can unlock and mount encrypted filesystem OK
pool is set
some files are listed/copied as aliases

tags and aliases.jpg
tags and aliases.jpg (35.31 KiB) Viewed 4427 times

most files have received a tag that they did not have in the original
subfolder at depth 2 not copying folder or contents

All of these are issues in both the encrypted and unencrypted filesystems

They show up in the Finder on both the M1 and an Intel Mac. However, the correct files are evident when listed in the terminal.
The pool created on an M1 is mountable on an Intel Mac, and both encrypted and unencrypted files systems show the same incorrect information in Finder on each Mac, both of which are running Big Sur, the intel using zfs version
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Re: OpenZFS-2.0-arm64 (M1) first impressions

Postby lundman » Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:26 pm

Thanks for the feedback.
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