Nested ZFS Datasets & Network Shares

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Nested ZFS Datasets & Network Shares

Postby rafe » Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:33 pm


First off, I am incredibly grateful for everyone's hard work on this project — thank you all.

I'm having an issue with nested datasets and AFP/SMB shares that may be a function of SMB/AFP misconfiguration or simply a ZFS/AFP/SMB limitation. If I create a pool and a child dataset, such as pool/child, the child dataset is mounted at /Volumes/pool/child as one would expect. Browsing this data structure works as expected in the Finder and via the command line. However, if I enable AFP sharing for the entire pool, the child dataset will not be visible when a networked mac (with correct permissions) mounts the AFP share of pool. Only the contents of pool/ are visible. A share of the child dataset can be separately mounted, but it is not nested within pool, it's mounted as /Volumes/child. Additionally, if I share the pool over SMB, the child dataset is visible to a networked machine that mounts pool/; however, attempting to navigate to the child dataset through the Finder locks up the Finder and I've had zero success in recovering without rebooting.

Searching online, I've seen references to limitations of certain network protocols (NFS) to traverse nested datasets, as they expect each volume to be separately mounted, but others suggest that this can be overcome for SMB. Of course, there's little discussion of AFP. As macOS does not use SAMBA, and it seems like the macOS SMB server is much less configurable than SAMBA, does anyone have any experience or advice for getting this to work or should I just stick with mounting child datasets?

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Re: Nested ZFS Datasets & Network Shares

Postby tangles » Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:31 am

SMB on FreeNAS (aka soon to be TrueNAS Core) behaves like this too…


if I create seperate shares for Movies and TV Shows, all is well… but if I remove those shares and just share ztank, I can see the two datasets and can traverse them, but as soon as I try to copy from say TV Shows to Movies, I get a Finder error.

cp in works fine though…

Probably a bug of the Finder… ACLs can/should be used to determine who sees what and so I'm leaning towards a bug… especially if cp works as expected.
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