internal error: operation not supported on socket

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Re: internal error: operation not supported on socket

Postby lundman » Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:55 am

They needed to increase the size of the bookmark saved, so they made a v2 struct and a new feature for it - its unfortunate, but happens.

Do you import this pool on other systems? Can you turn on bookmarkv2?
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Re: internal error: operation not supported on socket

Postby roemer » Sat Mar 07, 2020 3:55 am

I only import on Macs which I have under control, i.e. where I can install the latest O3X.
But I initially had the idea to keep some level of cross-system compatibility to be able in a disaster case to mount the pool on a Linux server too.
I admit, this is an unlikely scenario, though who knows, perhaps I once want to move to a linux server myself as backend?

My major concern is compatibility with zfs send/receive though which I use for incremental backups.
My existing backups do not have those fleatures set (yet)...
What is the consequence of upgrading my pool for this?

I am also wondering - I can't recall to use bookmarks on that pool...
It only should have datasets, snapshots and clones.
Why then this check triggered?
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Re: internal error: operation not supported on socket

Postby lundman » Sun Mar 08, 2020 4:23 am

bookmarkv2 came to ZOL first - and illumos has it too. I think only FreeBSD is lagging with that one.
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Re: internal error: operation not supported on socket

Postby Sharko » Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:29 am

So, just to re-cap what I think is going on from this thread: the pool has to be upgraded. Then one has to make sure that bookmark_v2 is enabled. Is there any reason why I can't upgrade with this simple command if I'm not trying to debug the problem?

Code: Select all
zpool upgrade ELITE
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Re: internal error: operation not supported on socket

Postby leeb » Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:54 am

To chip in my 2 cents, I just came across this as well and this thread was the first result on Google for zfs "Operation not supported on socket". I wanted to do a full backup of one pool to another, and remote replication has been failing for some reason I've been unable to diagnose. It was certainly an unwelcome surprise to find that suddenly no new local FS could be created. The docs also aren't clear on what enabling bookmark_v2 means with existing encrypted fs, since it mentions something about how if you want to preserve stuff you should do an unencrypted backup/restore? Sounds like it's a one-time issue that'll go away as people upgrade, but still a bit disconcerting.
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Re: internal error: operation not supported on socket

Postby Sharko » Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:02 pm

Just to follow up on this thread... simply upgrading the pool to latest features does not necessarily fix all of your problems. It gets rid of the immediate problem of not being able to create new datasets, BUT it creates a new problem if you have snapshots stored (as I did, since this issue arose on my backup pool). If you upgrade the pool and then run 'zpool status' it will warn you that the new pool is incompatible with stored snapshots, and if you continue with the pool in this state you will lose data. It suggests that you should delete snapshots. In my case, the snapshots were the point of having the pool, so I ended up just destroying the pool, re-creating it at the current feature set level (thus not needing an upgrade), and re-creating the snapshots from the original data via zfs replication.
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