Auto Import not working for 1 pool?

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Auto Import not working for 1 pool?

Postby StephenR » Fri May 06, 2022 12:43 am


I've recently jumped feet-first into ZFS - I was previously using a RAID1 and a Concat set (two different purposes) using the built in Apple Software RAID (and many moons ago, used the not-really-documented RAID 10 support in Apple RAID).

To be specific, this is on a 2018 i7 Mac mini, with 64GB, running macOS 12.3.1 and OpenZFS 2.1.0-1.

So at the moment I have two pools:

- "Media" has two mirror VDEVs, with a total of four 10TB disks. It's in a TB3 enclosure, and once I allowed full-disk permissions for the `zpool` command it works perfectly, auto-imports on boot etc.

- "Backups" has a single RAIDZ2, with five 3TB disks. It's in a USB3 container. It works fine when I import it manually - but it refuses to import on boot.

Based on some discussions I found online (mostly relating to ZFS on Linux though) I've tried exporting and reimporting it "by-id" (zpool export Backups; zpool import -d /private/var/run/disk/by-id Backups), but that didn't seem to change the auto-import situation.

I've looked for obvious issues in org.openzfsonosx.zpool-import-all.log and org.openzfsonosx.zpool-import-all.log, and nothing stands out to me.

The "Backups" pool is not critical right now, so destroying it and trying stuff is definitely a possibility in the short term.

Is this a known issue because I have more than one pool, or because it's USB3. or am I missing something else obvious?

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: Fri May 06, 2022 12:19 am

Re: Auto Import not working for 1 pool?

Postby StephenR » Fri May 06, 2022 3:28 am

Just wanted to add, that since the original post, I rebooted again, and then after confirming that the Media pool had mounted, but Backups had not, I ran `sudo zpool import -d /var/run/disk/by-id/ -a`, and it does in fact load the second pool as expected.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri May 06, 2022 12:19 am

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