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Testing openzfs-2.1.x

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:59 pm
by Sharko
So, just to be sure I'm not misunderstanding you, Mr Lundman: the installer labeled as Catalina works for Catalina and Big Sur and Monterey? We're just not used to that kind of universality!

Re: Testing openzfs-2.1.x

PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:19 pm
by lundman
Yeah, it only checks for older versions. Generally we compile for each OS version, mostly so you can enjoy any feature that was added to that SDK - which is surprisingly uncommon. But for quick tests, I don't think it matters if some call is a couple CPU cycles slower.

Re: Testing openzfs-2.1.x

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:29 pm
by Sharko
I'm curious about something: has the change in development of ZFS (where all three main branches, Linux/BSD/MacOS, pull from a common repository) brought any formerly unsupported ZFS features into being? I'm thinking especially of the "zfs allow" feature, which as far as I know has been unimplemented for a long time. Thanks,


Re: Testing openzfs-2.1.x

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:16 pm
by lundman
"zfs allow" specifically is something that could be implemented, but I've not put much priority to it. If anyone wants to chip away at it that be great. I know we can't lookup a users group list in kernel, but we can iterate groups and test if a user is in it (just tedious version of the same idea). For me, we sort of still need sudo, so "zfs allow" felt not-quite-so-important, control access with sudoers for now (you can tell sudo to allow sub commands after all).

Otherwise I think we managed to "just about" catch up in features. All that code went into the new port, just put in cleaner places, and more pretty pictures on the wall. At the heart, it is the same, just done right.