Migrating from ZEVO

Issues specific to non-OpenZFS pools (i.e., ZEVO & MacZFS).

Migrating from ZEVO

Postby coreyriggle » Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:45 pm

I've got a raidz volume created under zevo that I'm trying to import into openzfs.
I'm running a fresh system install so there isn't any remnant of zevo.

On a second computer under zevo I rain an export which seamed to work fine.
$ zpool export base

On the openZFS computer I ran:
$ zfs list
failed to read pool configuration: permission denied

$ sudo zfs list
no datasets available

$ zpool import base
failed to read pool configuration: permission denied
cannot import 'base': a pool with that name is already created/imported,
and no additional pools with that name were found

I'm hoping for some guidance. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Migrating from ZEVO

Postby lundman » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:29 pm

All commands need "sudo" for the time being. We are looking at the privilege levels later on.
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Re: Migrating from ZEVO

Postby coreyriggle » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:32 pm

Ok, Great.
That worked.

But what if I had not known the name of the pool. Is there a way to list pool names before import?
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Re: Migrating from ZEVO

Postby ilovezfs » Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:00 pm

coreyriggle wrote:But what if I had not known the name of the pool. Is there a way to list pool names before import?

The command for "pool discovery" is actually somewhat counterintuitively the import command. You just don't supply a pool name or guid.

Code: Select all
sudo zpool import

This will tell you what pools are available to be imported, but will not actually import anything. You can see that nothing has been imported yet using the zpool status command.

Code: Select all
sudo zpool status

Now that you know what pools are available to be imported, you can actually import a pool by supplying the name or guid that you saw during pool discovery.

Code: Select all
sudo zpool import tank

To access the information you saw during pool discovery, you will now need to use zpool status instead.

Code: Select all
sudo zpool status

If all pools have been imported, the pool discovery command— zpool import with no pool or guid specified— will return without any output.

Code: Select all
sudo zpool import
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