ZEVO site content

Issues specific to non-OpenZFS pools (i.e., ZEVO & MacZFS).

Re: ZEVO site content

Postby ilovezfs » Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:47 pm

I went ahead and downloaded the whole ZEVO forum, including all of the attachments. Here's the zip file for anyone who wants it:

ZEVO forum archive
(30.03 MiB) Downloaded 1000 times

Though the ZEVO forum is shutdown, for future reference if anyone is trying to download an entire phpBB site, including attachments only accessible to logged-in users, here's what I did.

  1. Log in to the site using this script:


    Code: Select all
    # phpbb-auto-login.sh copyleft Fabio Z 2009
    # login & logout user to phpBB forum boards
    # http://www.zoros.org/wiki/index.php?title=A_script_to_login_phpbb_forum_using_wget
    if [ $# -le 1 ] || [ $# -gt 3 ]; then
     echo "Usage $0 URL user pass --> to login"
     echo "Usage $0 URL user      --> to logout"
    #--------------------------- login ---------------------------
    if [ $# -eq 3 ] ; then
     wget --save-cookies=./session-cookies-$USER $PHPBB_URL/ucp.php?mode=login -O - 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
     SID=`cat ./session-cookies-$USER | grep _sid | cut -d$'\011' -f7`
     echo "Login $USER --> $PHPBB_URL SID=$SID"
     wget --save-cookies=./session-cookies-$USER \
     --post-data="username=$USER&password=$PASS&redirect=index.php&sid=$SID&login=Login" \
     $PHPBB_URL/ucp.php?mode=login --referer="$PHPBB_URL/ucp.php?mode=login" \
     -O - 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    #-------------------------- logout --------------------------
    if [ $# -eq 2 ] ; then
     SID=`cat ./session-cookies-$USER | grep _sid | cut -d$'\011' -f7`
     echo "Logout $USER <-- $PHPBB_URL SID=$SID"
     wget --load-cookies=./session-cookies-$USER "$PHPBB_URL/ucp.php?mode=logout&sid=$SID" --referer="$PHPBB_URL/index.php" -O -  1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

    Code: Select all
    ./phpbb-auto-login.sh zevo.getgreenbytes.com/forum ilovezfs mypassword

    That will output a file named "session-cookies-ilovezfs."

  2. Download the entire site:

    Code: Select all
    wget \
        --mirror \
        --output-file=log.txt \
        --execute robots=off \
        --reject 'faq.php*,mcp.php*,memberlist.php*,posting.php*,report.php*,search.php*,ucp.php*,viewonline.php*,viewtopic.php*p=*,*bookmark=*,*watch=*,*view=print*,*start=0*,*sid*,*start=0*' \
        --no-parent \
        --page-requisites \
        --adjust-extension \
        --convert-links \
        --referer='http://zevo.getgreenbytes.com/forum/index.php' \
        --load-cookies session-cookies-ilovezfs \
        --save-cookies session-cookies-ilovezfs \
        --keep-session-cookies \

    Here is the same command, all on one line:

    Code: Select all
    wget --mirror --output-file=log.txt --execute robots=off --reject 'faq.php*,mcp.php*,memberlist.php*,posting.php*,report.php*,search.php*,ucp.php*,viewonline.php*,viewtopic.php*p=*,*bookmark=*,*watch=*,*view=print*,*start=0*,*sid*,*start=0*' --no-parent --page-requisites --adjust-extension --convert-links --referer='http://zevo.getgreenbytes.com/forum/index.php' --load-cookies session-cookies-ilovezfs --save-cookies session-cookies-ilovezfs --keep-session-cookies 'http://zevo.getgreenbytes.com/forum'

  3. If you are feeling a need to be particularly tidy, you can log out as well:

    Code: Select all
    ./phpbb-auto-login.sh zevo.getgreenbytes.com/forum ilovezfs

@gperrin, note that "--html-extension" is deprecated, and has been replaced by "--adjust-extension." Also, "--no-clobber" is incompatible with "--convert-links," and you will get the warning "Both --no-clobber and --convert-links were specified, only --convert-links will be used."
Posts: 232
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:58 am

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