Severe regressions in 2.1.0 for High Sierra compared to 194

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Severe regressions in 2.1.0 for High Sierra compared to 194

Postby kingneutron » Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:11 am

I cannot recommend 2.1.0 at this point for High Sierra 10.13 - there are some severe regressions compared to 1.9.4 (which has been extremely stable):

BUGS in zfs 2.1.0 for OSX:

- cannot mount zfs encrypted dataset - I/O error after load-key; works fine in 1.9.4

Error message:
"No SMB support in FreeBSD yet."
- cannot share 'zint500/shrcompr-zint500: operation not supported': SMB share creation failed

- No uninstaller? Had to use the uninstaller script in the 1.9.4 .dmg and go back to 1.9.4 for stability and functionality.
( Tried reinstalling 2.1.0 and rebooting since was installed over 194, still same issues )

tried reinstall 1.9.4 over 2.1.0 - failed; ran uninstall script below && rebooted AGAIN, finally got back to 1.9.4
/Volumes/OpenZFS\ on\ OS\ X\ 1.9.4/Docs\ \&\ Scripts/
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Re: Severe regressions in 2.1.0 for High Sierra compared to

Postby FadingIntoBlue » Sun Aug 22, 2021 6:19 pm

BUGS in zfs 2.1.0 for OSX:

- cannot mount zfs encrypted dataset - I/O error after load-key; works fine in 1.9.4

If you haven't seen this and the other FAQs after it, it is relevant to the difficulty with encryption in going from 1.9.4 to 2.1.0 Given that you could go back, I suspect you aren't aware of the below. Hope it helps
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Re: Severe regressions in 2.1.0 for High Sierra compared to

Postby lundman » Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:17 pm

The sharing support was not ready at the time, but you can use the "sharing" command, or the UI, to share. However,
the sharing support will be in the next version.

Uninstaller is an interesting one, not sure how we should include that.
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