How can we help?

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How can we help?

Postby Sharko » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:15 pm

In another thread Mr. Lundman implied that he is more or less running the OpenZFS on OSX show by himself lately... I'm wondering how we, the community, could be of use? Off the top of my head I can think of these tasks:

- there is obviously a need for actual code development to keep up with the new features coming down the pike from OpenZFS / ZFS on Linux
- testing of code in progress prior to release
- documentation to add to, or keep updated in the wiki
- moderation of the forum?
- maintenance of the web site?
- participating in answering questions for newbies in the forum

I have personally been interested in adding to the wiki; I did the snapshot page, and I'm preparing a FreeNAS replication page. I can help answer questions in the forum, as best as I can. I could do more to test releases, now that I have a second Mac Pro 5,1.

I would be interested to hear from Mr. Lundman on what he sees are the really crucial items, or the items that he wishes he didn't have to do. I've noticed that Brendon and ilovezfs don't seem to be active on the forum lately; does that imply that what they used to do is now falling exclusively on Mr. Lundman? We really don't want him to be so harried that doing what he does, or what he adds the most value to, isn't fun anymore.
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Re: How can we help?

Postby lundman » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:39 pm

At the moment, it does seem to be mostly myself on both osx and windows projects. I think the other guys had their lives interfere, that happens... this is supposed to be a fun hobby, and we don't always have time for such luxuries.

There will be a bit of a code-freeze on osx, once the freebsd port lands in ZOL, and I will attempt to do the same. So essentially starting the port all over again, but it will be good for the project long term. It will then no longer rely on myself pulling in new features, and there will be automatic testing. So bit of hard work coming up, but might be good.

Things that keep me from just coding are the admin tasks around the project. ilovezfs was the defacto standard project leader, or scheduler, prioritiser? - and handled so much of the task scheduling, testing, pkg creation, issues and general communication with users. Having him absent left quite a large vacuum, so there is certainly room.

Things like:
- git hub issues, communicating, basic troubleshooting, moderation
- forum - ditto
- running zfstester, testing
- building pkgs, testing osx versions
- hosting admin (sabayon linux admin, OS updates, fixing mysql, php updates)
- wiki documentation refresh/updates/corrections

The same goes for Windows. I used to have a developer Julian, but his real job got in the way, however a company has expressed interest, so I'm hoping there will be contributors there soon.

At the end of the day, it is my hobby, so I can do it all - but man does it go slowly when it is just me :)
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Re: How can we help?

Postby kingneutron » Wed May 27, 2020 9:26 am

--I'd like to help as well, but I'm more of a Bash programmer / documenter. Perhaps there is a college in your area with a programming class and staff that you could approach? Or Google summer of code? I searched for "osx cloud hosting" and maybe there are some companies like macincloud that could offer more comprehensive support (so they can integrate ZFS in their feature set)?

--I really love having ZFS on OSX btw, thanks for your hard work. Just would like for it to keep up a bit more with feature sets in the upstream.
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Re: How can we help?

Postby Persecutor » Sat May 30, 2020 5:03 am

I can help with OS administration from 10.4.x to 10.14.x
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Re: How can we help?

Postby lundman » Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:46 pm

Working on the new port, you can see in the "To do" tab, there are various documentation entries, wiki updating etc. We should also decide if we are to keep an "osx" wiki hosted here, or just add "macOS" to the (new) upstream OpenZFS wiki and documentation place.

Man pages need work too, the new repo seems to assemble sections together at build, so the macOS specific parts should be in their own files. I don't know how that all works yet, its on the list to learn and add.

The new port is all in branch: or "sorted2" if you want to see cleaner commits.

Plenty of work to do, both coding and non-coding :)
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Re: How can we help?

Postby CipherF15 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:09 am

Would it be possible to offer to download betas of the future versions of OpenZFS so that volunteers can test them and report bugs?
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Re: How can we help?

Postby lundman » Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:55 pm

There is a .pkg to test already, from ahh last week? It has one slight issue in that you need to brew install openssl and gettext. I'm working on fixing that.
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