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Hot to best upgrade OpenZFS and OS X

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:11 am
by TooDizzy

I'm happily running my /Users as a ZFS partition, using part of my SSD system disk as a cache to the /Users partition. So far so good.
Currently I'm running OS X Yosemity and OpenZFS version 1.4.2.

I can see that there's now support for El Capitan I would like to upgrade, but how should I go about this?

Tried to run the 1.4.5 installer, but it prompts me to export my pools. As my /Users dir are located on the pool this will not be straight forward, but can be done.
On the download page I can see that I need to download the El Capitan package....

So how should I go about this thing?

Should I,
  1. export my pool
  2. then upgrade the OS
  3. then upgrade OpenZFS
  4. and finaly import the existing pool

Or is there a more straight forward way of doing this?