by macz » Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:11 am
Install Brew on you osx machine
Brew install a command line smart package, there are a couple you can choose from...
Run a smartctl test that will write mixed data to the drive, it will use all sectors
Get the smart info for the drive, it will show if it required to reallocate sectors to properly write the data
Just writing the data correctly does not guarantee that the drive does not have a bad section of platter
If you really want to have fun
Download digitaloyds (sp?) tools.... that will fill the drive and record read/wire speeds for each sector to a file that you can drag to the included spreadsheet that will graph drive performance so you can see again if there are areas of the drive where it struggles to get a clean read/write
You can also create a ubuntu boot usb and run ubuntu from the stick, download the smart and monitoring packages and off you go... same thing different os